Points per question and student scoring
Assign point values to questions and automate your scoring.
You can assign different point values to each Question and let Classtime do the scoring for you. You will be able to see all results in your Session Dashboard. You can also conveniently export all results after in a PDF, a spreadsheet. or to Google Classroom.
Assigning point values to Questions
To get started, assign a certain point value to each question you create or edit. In your Questions, open the Question you would like to edit and locate the point value field on the right.

By default, each question is assigned 1 point. You can change the point value as you want. You can also define 0 as a value if you do not want the question to influence the overall student score. You can also use points with up to two decimals, e.g. 1.25.
After saving your question, you can always check the total number of points in your Question Set. This might look something like this:

Conducting a Session with advanced scoring
As soon as student responses come in, Classtime will validate and score them automatically. The only exception is the free text question type, which will require you to mark it as correct or incorrect once. After that, the system learns and automatically applies the validation to all future identical answers as well.
You can always see how many points each student achieved in total right next to their name (A). Optionally, you can switch to a percentage by clicking on the total score (B). By hovering over the question number, you can also always check how many points a question is worth (C):

If you would like to award partial points for partially correct answers, you can activate it in your Session settings by checking enable partial points with or without penalty. Enabling partial points with penalty will reduce points for incorrect answers, while partial points without penalty will not reduce points.

What will students see?
Students will see the achievable points in each question (if not 0). If partial points is enabled, they will also see an explanation of the partial calculation when hovering over the points.

Once the solutions are revealed, students will see how many points they have achieved per question, and also overall:

Manual Overwrite
You can manually overwrite the score of any student’s question to give partial points with a few steps:
Navigate to your session settings and activate partial points:
Select the individual answer of a student:
3. Enter any point value:

The partial point value will be applied to all existing and future answer combinations that are identical.
Please remember that you can always export all student answers and scores with our Excel export. From there, you can make optional edits, import it into Google Sheets, save it locally, or share it with students, parents, and other parties.
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