How to download results from the Student Portal
If allowed, students can download PDF reports themselves any time.
Students can download their results in PDF format directly from the Student Portal.
Student Portal:

Enabling the PDF report
By default, students do not have access to the PDF report. This is to avoid students downloading the report and seeing all questions ahead of time.
To enable downloading the report from the Student Portal, simply end a session:

By default, students will see all questions including full descriptions and their individually submitted answers. Example:

Sharing scores and solutions in the PDF report
By default, the question validation, scores, and solution explanations are not included in the PDF report. To include the score and solution explanation, you will need to either enable "Show solutions immediately" in the Session Settings and/or "Disable answering & show solutions" in the Session Dashboard.
Session Settings:

Session Dashboard:

Example of a PDF report with scores and solutions:

If your Session has not ended (= is still open) because you still have students working on the Session now or in the future, the report is still available if:
"Show solutions" is enabled either in the Session Settings or in the Session Dashboard.
The student has submitted an answer for every question in the session (100% completion).
All free-text answers are validated.
Important: if you don't want students to download the PDF reports (e.g. to avoid sharing of questions and/or solutions), do not end the session. Instead, keep the session open and simply deactivate all questions: they'll be able to access the session but no questions will be visible - and the reports cannot be downloaded.
Session Dashboard:

Student Interface:

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